Thursday, January 7, 2010

Vegetarian recipes for Thanksgiving...?

Any ideas?Vegetarian recipes for Thanksgiving...?
We do everything just like the meat eaters--

mashed potatoes

sweet potatoes (boiled, drained, add butter %26amp; brown sugar)

green bean casserole

stuffing (some great recipes --just google--I like to add apples %26amp;/or cranberries)

cranberry sauce

corn or peas (we have huge family gatherings)



and for our ';turkeY' we make a quorn roast--even the meat eaters like it!

for our gravy we've gotten in the habit of using one can of cream of mushroom soup and adding 1/2 can of waterVegetarian recipes for Thanksgiving...?
Cabbage Rolls

Yield 6 servings

Time 1 hour 45 minutes

Tools large pot


sauce pan

wooden spoon

large frying pan

9x13-inch baking dish (glass or ceramic)

small bowl

aluminum foil

Ingredients 15 large green cabbage leaves

¼ c white vinegar

7½ oz package of Spanish-style rice mix

15 oz stewed tomatoes with juice

2 T vegetable oil

1 large onion, diced

1 medium red or yellow bell pepper, diced

2½ oz vegetarian ham or pepperoni, diced

10 oz tomato soup

½ c water

Directions Place cabbage in pot, cover with water, and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to low, add vinegar, cover, and simmer until slightly softened, about 5-7 minutes. Drain and set aside.

Meanwhile, prepare Spanish rice according to package directions, using the stewed tomatoes. Set aside.

Heat oil in frying pan over medium-high heat; add onion, pepper, and ham; and sauté for 5 minutes. Add to Spanish rice.

Preheat oven to 350. Grease baking dish.

Lay out a cabbage leaf, place a large scoop of the mixture inside, roll up leaf, and place in dish, seam-side down. Repeat with remaining cabbage and mixture.

Combine tomato soup and water, pour over cabbage rolls, cover the dish with aluminum foil, and bake until cabbage is tender, about 1½ hours.


and click on Classic Recipes..........

Bryanna Clark Grogan has a great website with holiday recipes:

Here is my favorite veg stuffing recipe:

Sausage Apple Stuffing

~6 cups bread crumbs (I use whole wheat bread, cut into cubes and toasted a bit in the oven)

1 pkg. Lightlife Gimme Lean veggie sausage

1 apple, diced

1 onion, diced

¼ cup raisins

1 TBSP poultry seasoning

½ cup chopped walnuts

1 ¼ cup apple juice (or, in my case, 2 6.75 ounce juice boxes, because that’s what I had on hand)

Gimme Lean sausage is very low fat, so I find it difficult to just crumble it in the skillet and cook it like normal sausage. So, I spray some cooking spray in the skillet, slice the sausage, fry until done, and then chop it into small pieces. Remove to a large bowl. Saute the apple, onion and raisins (the original recipe called for celery, too, but you will never find that stringy vegetable in any of my recipes!) with a little more cooking spray, then add to the bowl with the sausage. Mix in the poultry seasoning and walnuts, then stir in the breadcrumbs. Finally, pour the juice over the top and mix one more time.

Don’t do like I do every time, and put it straight into an unprepared baking dish. This stuffing is too good to be missing all the stuff that sticks to the dish. Spray the pan down well, then throw in the stuffing and bake at whatever temperature all your other dishes are cooking, generally 350. I bake it until it smells great in my kitchen and looks done, which is not a scientific measurement. I know it when I see it, but I can’t tell you how. I think it is about 30-40 minutes, though.

Sweet Potato Soufflé

¾ Stick Butter

1 to 1½ Cup Sugar (depending on how sweet you want)

2 Eggs

1 Large Can Sweet Potatoes

1 Cup Heavy Cream

½-¾ Cup Marshmallows (miniature)

• Melt marshmallows in saucepan with butter on low heat.

• Mix drained sweet potatoes, eggs, sugar and cream until smooth.

• Pour into 2 quart baking dish and prepare topping.


¾ Stick Butter

½ Cup Dark Brown Sugar

1-½ Cup Crushed Corn Flakes

1 Cup Chopped Nuts (I like pecans)

• Melt butter.

• Add sugar, corn flakes and nuts.

• Pour over potatoes and bake at 400 for 20 to 30 minutes.


Super easy and super delicious's always a hit at our holiday gatherings.
Everything except the turkey should be okay.
tofu turkey

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